This is a take on the California-style fish taco, featuring panko-breaded, pan-fried salmon and a chipotle cream sauce. Deeeeelish! There is something...
Savory street tacos made with Impossible™ Burger plant-based meat, chopped onions, diced tomatoes, fresh cilantro, and queso fresco. Quick and easy recipe...
Yes, a shell made out of chicken! I wanted to make a no-carb taco shell and came up with this recipe and it's oh so tasty! Another plus is that your protein...
Having become an avid fisherperson I had to come up with new ideas for different types of fish. Although we do not catch tilapia here, the farm-raised...
We had these at an Irish Pub, they were to die for. A combination we thought wouldn't taste too good but all the patrons said it was the best thing on...
These shredded chicken tacos are easy to make, and everyone loves them! Top them with shredded cheese, avocados, lettuce, sour cream, and diced onion,...
Fantastic new recipe we discovered when we were looking for a way to use some swai we found on sale at the market. The fish is sturdy enough to hold up...
Jackfruit is a great vegan alternative to shredded chicken to use in tacos. These jackfruit tacos are delicious and vegan! Choose your favorite taco toppings,...
I was in the mood for some pork tacos, but I was looking for a bit of a change of pace from the normal carnitas-style I would usually make, which led to...
Blackened fish tacos made simple in the air fryer. Cooking the fish quickly at a high temperature in the air fryer results in a crispy, blackened crust...
These cod fish tacos are perfect for warm evenings or sunny afternoon family gatherings. If age appropriate, serve with the same cerveza you used in your...
An awesome new way to eat spaghetti squash! Great for the vegan, vegetarian, and meat-eater alike. Pair with salty fried corn tortillas, fresh salsa, and...
Start your day off right with this fantastic sweet potato pinto bean breakfast taco. Say goodbye to bland, tasteless vegetarian dishes. Top with a spoonful...
I sort of made this by accident, trying to recreate something else. My skeptical wife was amazed and added it to the menu rotation! Add other toppings...
Tacos were one of the first dishes for which I had to find a vegan alternative. Now, we make these potato tacos on a regular basis. Spice them up with...
Sweet potatoes, black beans, and corn combine in a flavorful, healthy taco filling. Garnish with cheese, tomatoes, cilantro, and sour cream, or your choice...
A delicious take on the traditional taco. A light, fluffy fried bread complete with fresh refried beans, shredded spicy beef, and toppings like shredded...
It doesn't get much easier than this -- lean ground turkey and salsa ranchera combined and made in a pressure cooker such as Instant Pot®. Perfect for...
These vegetarian tacos are perfect for a hot summer day. Served cold, and a snap to put together, even the kids can do it! Always a hit at summer parties,...
Using leftover Thanksgiving turkey makes this recipe a snap. Serve with lime wedges and, if desired, hot sauce. This Allrecipes Magazine recipe is based...
I grew up on these tacos and thought they were a staple in all households. I also make these with chorizo and add diced cooked potatoes sprinkled with...
These tacos are the best ever! You can use beef or venison. The mushroom trick helps cut back on meat, and you don't even realize it, making this recipe...
These air-fried vegan tacos taste just like the ones mom used to make. The difference is these are air fried and vegan, making them much healthier. To...
Beyond Beef® Crumbles create the idea that you are enjoying some nice sausage with your breakfast tacos. Simple recipe to create a meat-free breakfast....
These soft tacos use lean ground sirloin and low-fat corn tortillas as sensible substitutions. Skip the sour cream and guacamole -- opt for a fiery salsa...
Many fish taco recipes are delicious, but also lengthy and involved. These breaded fish tacos are simple, use inexpensive ingredients, and can be prepared...
Who said meatless mushroom tacos cannot be delicious? Try this recipe and you will see for yourself. Quick, delicious, and nutritious appetizer any time...
A simple and tasty vegan taco filling made with jackfruit. Sides: shredded lettuce, sliced black olives, green onions, Daiya® cheese, Tofutti® sour cream,...